Monday, April 30, 2012

Maybe I'm just right

It's my husband's turn to mourn our "what could have been" ideas today but in our discussion today he had a good insight. We always wonder why WE ended up with kids who need loving non-sarcastic patient compassionate parents (none of which fit us). I yet again said why couldn't they get someone like _____ [insert that compassionate patient mom you know] who would feel normal doing this?  He said maybe she couldn't handle it BECAUSE she is those things.  Maybe she couldn't handle the rejection like we can. Maybe it takes a parent whose heart is just hard enough to withstand it. 
 So while I usually think they needed a softer mom, maybe they really need me, because I'm not a softie and I'll stick it out!  Maybe Definitely I'm not the perfect mom that will be all they need to heal quickly, but maybe I am the perfect mom to stick it out and try mostly in vain but never give up so they can heal slowly. 

1 comment:

  1. There were two other couples waiting for our decision on Alex at the orphanage before we even got there. One, was a very soft-spoken couple from France. I've thought, geez, he'd get treatment through National Health but also that he would have eaten their lunch. The other couple was from Georgia, he is a pediatrician and they let their six year old daughter choose their son, a six year old playmate. Their marriage didn't last a year post adoption. So, yeah, I guess they end up with who they're meant to be with.


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