today was definitely a day where public school couldn't have done em a lick of good. not that we did any at home either! her brain just shut down today and we realized she wasn't going to learn a thing, so we didn't fight it and gave her a day off. i figure it's from a board game she lost last night, she took that pretty hard. it was a trivia game, so not a game of chance, and she couldn't be perfect, so we probably won't love her anymore. what horrible pressure in that little brain of hers!!
but she was confused, forgetting things, going the wrong direction, everything was so painfully hard (and it so wasn't), she couldn't remember that when you get to the end of a line you read down to the next one, etc. so she got to play. not productive of course, but school wouldn't be either on her days like this. and it’s so frustrating because no amount of love, nurturing, understanding, encouragement, support, does a bit of good. you can see it coming, understand why it happens, but do nothing about it. my logical brain hates that!
one funny conversation dad tried to have with her. i can't remember the details, but it was basically "your brain is not able to focus on this thing and i'm trying to teach you how to" and she cuts him off and asks "what's your real name? i mean what's on your birth certificate?" it was so sad it was almost funny! probably as close to the opposite as her brain could get from whatever it was supposed to be focusing on...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
school closed early today due to a brain meltdown
beyond consequences,
We've been there too this week. I felt like that old TV commercial only a little revised. "This is my brain. *O* This is my brain after RAD encounters.o"
I was just going to write a similar post when I saw your post in my feed. it must be catchy this week! Ugh, what a morning...
Blame it on the full moon! :)
You did the right thing! No reason to put her into a fail/fail situation.
I would have done the same thing.
My Mr is the same way about games. I almost cringe when he asks to play a game of checkers, uno. My "BCI" brain says it's an opportunity, but my instincts say you're gonna pay for this! I as just trying to teach him how to play checkers better yesterday. He did pretty good, but that always takes a few hours to transition out of. I just can't comprehend the perfection bit. We had to deal with the same thing when he did mutton bustin. He was like,"I'm going to win it for you." And we kept telling him, "just have fun... We love you win or lose." Talk about language barrier. He was so stressed! and just couldn't do it for fun. It's painful to watch. But this too we will blog about as a victory one day! I always learn something from you:)
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