Wednesday, February 4, 2009

another NON-RADical vacation!

we're either getting better at vacations, or we keep getting lucky, but this one was very normal and not very RADical! and that's so refreshing. i just wish it had been WARMER!
on our trip to florida, since we were freezing and had planned to warm up, we drove to the very bottom of florida, and it did get up to 70° one day. not the heat we'd hoped for, but we took it! we explored the everglades, one of dad's favorite places, because it's beautiful, uninhabited, and untouched, well that and all the alligators! the kids LOVED finding them and getting up close.
the second day we took canoes out a few miles into the everglades and explored in peace and quiet (well, except for the kids!) and it was so much fun. dad, cj, and em even saw a manatee! we got up close to some american crocs too (they're more scary than alligators if you were wondering!)
then we went to the everglades alligator farm and saw animals, watched shows, and took an airboat ride. all three kids volunteered for anything anyone asked (of course) and em got to feed fish to alligators and cj got to pull out a snake. airboat rides are always fun and we all got a bit wet from turns and spins, especially the kids as they sat up front, and we spotted lots of gators too.
then we headed back to the grands and the colder weather in northern florida!


Alyssa's Mom said...

Hurray for a "normal" vacation!