Sunday, October 5, 2008

tough week!

i had a yucky week! had to fire a staff member, and it's super hard because our staff is very close. so i had to fire a friend. and in doing so i lost a friend. she didn't take it very well. she's completely irrational and delusional, but i'd hoped for better. here's one time where a RADical staff member would be helpful to have!
oh i'm fired? okay, whatever, do you have any cookies?
it would have been much easier to fire an emotionless robot like my em!


Queen Mommy said...

Don't wish some adults were RAD? It would make some interactions easier. Of course, I wouldn't want to have to deal with them all of the time...but when no emotion was necessary...It would be great! Sorry about your rough week....I hope this week is better!

Alyssa's Mom said...

I feel for you!

I just hate having to fire any one.

Hope this week is better.


Sugar-n-Spice said...

Oh, I love the RAD comment. We just had our second visit with my RADish's therapist, who keeps giving me these "tips" for correcting her behavior. She's working under the assumption that my RADling (who she has not diagnosed, and pretty obviously knows very little about it) feels some kind of remorse or has a desire to please us. I can't seem to get her to understand that these things she suggest (having to apologize or tell the person she was lying to that it was a lie) DON'T WORK! It's just like you described:
"Sorry I spit on you. Oh, look! There's the pillow I've been looking for."

Sorry about your friend. I know it's a lousy feeling. Have a better week this week!

Perspective RAD said...

I do that all the time.. I'm like.. "I just wish I could tell them to take a deep breath and count to 10 without sounding like a freak... :O"

Keri said...

"oh i'm fired? okay, whatever, do you have any cookies?" You made me laugh out loud with that RAD comment. That is almost EXACTLY what my daughter would say were she fired...although she'd ask for fruit instead of I am really enjoying your blog. I'm going to go start at the beginning and work my way up...

familygregg said...

It stinks to have to fire someone.


Anonymous said...

I doubt your daughter really is an emotionless robot. She has trouble accessing her feelings but she HAS feelings.

Unspeakable Joy said...

and you've discovered that from years of therapy with her? :)